Reach your dreams Physically, Mentally and Academically. 

More about GSA

At Global Switch Academy we provide a platform and opportunity for every child to experience a professional environment using education and sport. Our service is aimed at both males and females of ages 7-18 who are interested in improving education as well as building a career in football. We have outstanding coaches and teachers that will enhance student to reach their full potential. Global Switch Academy to us represents hope for the future generation. Our brand name is something we hold very close to our purpose as an organisation.




Representing the widespread of our work we want to achieve, to be able to deliver our message and help youth develop across our nation and worldwide is a goal we have set ourselves to achieve long term

Is a powerful word to us at GSA, as we intend to empower everyone that we interact with a positive way. Changing the mindset of “not being good enough” within academics or sports too! Yes, I can!” Together, we can work to switch the mindset of future generation. 

Our work with schools, centres, parents, students and partners is what makes all our work possible. Therefore we wanted to incorporate the values they bring to our brand.  Working together under GSA umbrella we can help to change so many students lives and mindset to achieve their full potential, this is overall what we stand for, what our values and main objectives are! 

Contact us

Twitter: @GSAworld1
Mobile: 0794333739

Head Office Address

58 Peregrine Road, 

Hainault , IG6 3SZ

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